Examples of Anti-social Behaviour:
- nuisance neighbours
- rowdy and nuisance behaviour
- intimidating behaviour and groups taking over public spaces
- people dealing and buying drugs on the street
- begging and anti-social behaviour
Nuisance Neighbours:
Not all complaints about anti-social behaviour will go as far as legal action. Many are resolved by talking through the problem with those responsible or by involving another agency.
In some cases, issues can arise from a clash of lifestyles, miscommunication between neighbours, and often people don’t realise that they are causing a problem
Anti-social behaviour can impact upon individuals, families and communities. It can make life unpleasant and create an environment where serious crime can take hold.
We may recommend you consider mediation for the following type of issues:
- actions that are likely to be considered normal everyday activities or household noise.
- actions which amount to people generally being unpleasant to each other.
For more information on mediation that we can offer referrals for, please visit the Essex Restorative and Mediation Service www.restorativeessex.co.uk
Once we receive your complaint, we will:
- acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
- allocate your case to a Community Safety Officer to investigate and provide you with updates as the case progresses
- utilise relevant tools to investigate including the use of “The Noise App” - https://www.thenoiseapp.com
- provide advice and / or enforce where appropriate in line with Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014
- reach an outcome to the investigation in line with our process on anti-social behaviour cases
To make a report of Anti Social Behaviour please complete our online form