Community Safety Newsletters

December 2022

Welcome to the Winter Edition of the Community Safety Unit Newsletter.

It has been a busy quarter within the unit, but our focus always remains to multi-agency work with our partner agencies.

Hate Crime Awareness Week

Took place 10 - 17 October 2022. The aim of the week was to raise awareness of Hate Crime and how to report it.

What Did We Do?

  • lighting columns at the civic centre were turned red to mark the start of the week
  • community Safety and partner agencies wearing our hate crime awareness week t-shirts
  • shcpp lunchtime learning events
  • hate crime awareness training
  • safe, well and secure events alongside fire and rescue
  • hate crime ambassador training
  • community engagement events

As part of our community engagement activities, we asked members of the public to add a message onto our Hate Crime Awareness Week Frames to tell us what hate crime means to them. We displayed these messages at one of our events within the Forum.

If you require further information regarding Hate Crime, please visit our Hate Crime page

Stats Snapshot

Community Safety

  • decrease of 12% of new ASB cases being reported to the CSU inbox
  • 14317 patrols have been completed this year an increase of 17.3%


  • total number of ASB Incidents: 498
  • crime incidents: 277
  • intel/information: 69
  • local authority issues: 18
  • potential evidence: 351
  • public safety & welfare: 376
  • transport: 112

Night Time Economy Street Briefings are back

Street briefings in Southend High Street at night have returned. Representatives working in the night time economy, including statutory, voluntary and local businesses are invited to attend the briefing, sharing information and intelligence, to aid night time economy coordination and keeping the city centre safe and well.

CCTV Results

  • 10 October: cameras picked up a nasty assault in Queens Rd. This resulted in three arrests
  • 30 October: cameras spotted a robbery taking place in Warrior Square. The victim had his phone, watch and necklace taken by a group of youths. This resulted in 3 Arrests
  • 6 November: a fight near the Toby carvery, two males arrested by Progress Rd for assault on police officer and knife in his pocket
  • 6 November: female arrested for assault on another female and further assault on a policewoman.

Chief Inspector thanks CCTV Operators

CCTV actively work with all agencies to assist with incidents. The staff were personally thanked by Chief Inspector Collins for their work in spotting a missing person, they were then located by Essex Police Officers. Multi-agency working at its best.

Sir David Amess

On the first anniversary of Sir Davids death, Southend City Council planted a tree alongside a plaque within the grounds of Chalkwell Park.

Railway Guardian App

As part of the strategy to eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls, British Transport Police launched a brand-new app called Railway Guardian, along with their "Speak Up Interrupt" campaign. Visit the British Transport Police website for further details

Prosecution Success

Mr Matthew Lawton breached the Public Space Protection Order. He was fined a total of £569. This Incorporates the fine, costs and victim surcharge.

Supporting Events

Community safety play a huge part in assisting with Southend City Council Events. This is something outside of our normal day to day duties. Ensuring that each of these events went ahead safely. Below is a few of those events we have been involved in:

  • southend shakedown
  • queens jubilee celebrations
  • david amess memorial event
  • halloween parade
  • remembrance service

First Aid Assistance

10th October Community Safety Officer’s assisted a female who had fallen over on the High Street outside McDonalds and broken her shoulder, was initially told it would be a 16 hour wait for an ambulance after assessing the patient and updating 999 an ambulance arrived within 15 minutes.

Assisting an arrest

An email received by our CCTV Operators from our Essex Police Colleagues:

"Can I pass on my thanks for the great work with the firearms job outside the College yesterday. As usual a fantastic spot by the operator and ongoing observations identifying an item in the males waistband allowed firearms officers to attend the location. The male made off upon police arrival but was followed as he cycled off and observations were maintained until he was arrested. Great work".

Upcoming Events

All upcoming events can be viewed on our Meetings page.

March 2023

Welcome to the March Edition of the Community Safety Newsletter.

No place for hate in Southend

Southend City BID and local businesses recently received Hate Crime Ambassador training from Essex Police, providing participants with essential knowledge how they can actively and safely support witnesses and victims of a hate crime. Most importantly explaining what a hate crime is. Hate crime remains a priority for Southend Community Safety Partnership, increasing the number of hate crime ambassadors across the city will hopefully encourage people to report and access support. For further information on hate crime please visit our Hate Crime Page

Saving lives

Our Community Safety Team come across many incidents each day. As part of a normal patrol a member of our Community Safety Team came across an individual who was in and out of conciousnous. They soon realised he was overdosing and administered life saving treatment until the ambulance took over.

CCTV success stories snapshot

li CCTV caught the moment a female who had a young child with her dealt drugs to an unknown male whilst within a skate park. Police attended and stop searched her, she was then subsequently arrested. Great result solely from CCTV

li CCTV Operator witnesses a hand gesture which is a Hate Crime against 3 individuals, police are directed to the location and the female perpetrator is then arrested li groups of males witnessed fighting and a car chase emerges. One of the males is attacked with a bottle. CCTV operators direct police to the incident and can locate the individuals responsible

liCCTV controllers attention was brought to an 8 year old boy who was knocked over by an E Scooter. The operator continued to watch and spotted the driver riding away from the scene. CCTV Controllers then worked together to follow the suspect. They managed to lead the police to the suspect who was then taken away by Police. The 8 year old boy was also taken to Southend Hospital

Community Safety are here to help

Community Safety were called to a woman who was confused. She turned out to be a Missing Person, so they invited her into the bus station for a cup of tea whilst they waited for Police to pick her up. They then helped Police escort her back to her family, who were understandably quite worried about her.

Multi agency working

Joint operation with Essex Police, Police cadets and Trading standards. They went to various shops and attempted to purchase over 18 products. They had great results for the day.


StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell Essex Police about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, eg street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, eg being followed or verbally abused.

Please note: 'StreetSafe' is not for reporting crime or incidents.

Neighbourhood policing week

Community Safety alongside Essex Police have been conducting joint patrols across the city as part of Neighbourhood policing week. This involves targeting hotspots and conducting operations. Such operations were conducted across the city, Southend, Leigh and Shoebury and include:

Op Servator, Op Supernova, Op Staghound and Op Darth.

Lets talk mediation

Our Case officers deal with a range of issues of anti social behaviour. We try our best to resolve issues without the need for enforcement action. A recent case was resolved by us simply acting as a mediator between both parties. Once they were both “Heard” it made all the difference.

Do you want to help inspire and lead young people across Essex?

We are currently recruiting for Volunteer Police Cadet leaders.

Following the success of our Volunteer Police Cadet (VPC) scheme across the county, we are looking for more Volunteers to work alongside our existing Police officers, staff and Specials to become Volunteer Leaders, assisting with running weekly VPC evening sessions.

Previous experience in working with young people would be an advantage but is not essential; training and support will be given.

If you are interested in volunteering, then please submit your expression of interest to For more information about the role, please contact Force Volunteer Cadet Coordinator Neil Dibell on 101 ext 110025.

Volunteer Police Cadets is a national, uniformed voluntary youth organisation and is currently being delivered successfully in Essex and many other force areas.

The scheme is open to young people aged 13 -18, including those vulnerable to crime or social exclusion.

The VPC offers a fantastic variety of opportunities to the young people involved, many of which would otherwise be well beyond their expectations. The aim is to prepare young people for their future by providing varied activities and opportunities to develop qualifications, enhance their inter-personal skills and confidence, and achieve a sense of pride through supporting community policing.

CCTV operators assist in arrests

On the evening of the 4th February, 2 operators were involved in the arrest of 2 males for being drunk and disorderly, they start fights with random members of the public even those with children with them. They entered McDonald's for a short time then left to when they came across a male who they threw a punch at and tried to steal his electric push bike and obviously a fight endured to the male with the bike defending himself. All why this is happening, I'm relaying everything to VG in real time as their camera feed from us was down due to technical problems, units arrived and grabbed the males to detain as they also tried to run from them, both were arrested for assault, drunk and disorderly and threats to the public. CCTV Statistics 1/11/2022- 31/01/2023 Total Number of Incidents by Category ASB : 402 Total Number of Incidents by Category Crime : 201 Total Number of Incidents by Category Intel/information : 50 Total Number of Incidents by Category Local Authority Issues : 11 Total Number of Incidents by Category Potential Evidence : 266 Total Number of Incidents by Category Public Safety & Welfare : 316 Total Number of Incidents by Category Transport : 99

Partnership working

We were invited along by one of our partner agencies SAVS to attend a coffee morning which was run in partnership with ASDA. We met with members of the public to discuss any issues and was a great event for networking with fellow agencies. This was held at St Marys Church Hall In Shoebury. Partnership working at its best.

South Essex College

We attended South Essex College as part of Health and Wellbeing events they have taking place for a fortnight. This was a really good event, with plenty of engagement with students and teachers alike. We provided community safety advice, and awareness alongside some Community Safety Giveaways.

Upcoming events

Local Community Meetings 13th March 2023 - west - Leigh Community Centre 14th March 2023 - east - Friars Church Shoebury Community Engagement Events 9th March 2023 - Renown Shoebury 14:30-16:30 5th April Emergency Services Event 12th April Emergency Services Event

June 2023

Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Community Safety Newsletter.

A message from Our Community Safety Manager

10th March 2023 marked the 4th birthday of the Community Safety Team. We hope by now that most people will be aware of the team and what we do, but for those that don’t and in very brief notes, we work from Southend Police Station as part of the Community Safety Partnership.

We have an Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) case work officer who receives complaints of ASB city wide from residents, businesses, colleagues, and will investigate with support from partners where required to reach a conclusion to the complaint. Since 10/3/19 we have received 3,407 complaints of ASB.

We have a Community Safety Events Co-ordinator who works with partners and arranges, supports and attends events throughout the city. These range from large events with multiple partners to smaller targeted events with a couple of direct partners and are aimed at engaging with the public and supporting ongoing complaints and concerns of ASB.

We have eight officers within the patrol team, they provide visible presence patrolling city wide, investigating complaints of ASB, providing visible reassurance, signposting & supporting vulnerable individuals, evidencing offences, enforcing against ASB and working with partners to resolve shared issues.

Since Covid-19 hit we have seen complaints of ASB increase significantly by 67.7% from 2019. We perceived this increase to be down to people working from home and noticing more things that concerned them, as well as general behavioural changes within society.

The patrol team were required to support the Council’s operations around the city alongside their normal duties and so there were significant hours put in by all officers and regular flexi time surrendered each month to pick up all reports and callouts. I proudly saw the team pull together, support each other and get through an extremely busy and stressful time where they received increased abuse whilst undertaking their duties.

I tell you this as the team were recently shortlisted for the Resolve ASB “Team of the Year Award” I am very proud of them. I am clearly biased but they work really hard to support residents, businesses and visitors to the city and to play their part in the Council’s strategic priorities around Safe and Well.

Thanks for reading,

Jon Gurel

Working together to help to stamp out Graffiti

In the early hours of 21st February CCTV Operators were patrolling the high st with the cameras when they came across 2 males acting a little suspicious. Continuing to monitor they both approached several items of street furniture. Removing paint pens from their jackets they started to tag there tag names on the street furniture. CCTV notified the police who were watching the live stream. When the police attend 1 of the 2 males decided to run and was quickly detained. Both males were taken home and will be dealt with at a later date.

CCTV Assist in arrest

In the early hours of 11th March, CCTV monitored a group of males in the high street.

1 male pulled out a knife from his jeans and threatened another male from the group. Straight away CCTV notified the police and they were soon on scene. The male threw the knife and was detained. The knife was eventually found and the male was subsequently arrested.

Emergency Services Coming Together

Wednesday 5th and Wednesday 12th April saw various emergency services come together on Southend Seafront. The aim of the events were to engage with our communities, promoting the work we all do, and allowing our younger visitors to get hands on, from coastguard demonstrations, sitting in police cars, health checks and road safety advice to name but a few.

The events were really well received with some fantastic feedback. We will be looking to host more of these events across the year, so do keep checking our socials.

King Charles III Coronation

Community Safety enjoyed speaking with many residents who were involved with coronation celebrations. As always they were ensuring the safety of our City and all the residents, so that everyone was able to enjoy the celebrations across the long weekend.

Tesco Pop Up Event

Community Safety alongside police community support officers recently attended Tesco Southend for our first Supermarket Pop Up Event. We spoke with many shoppers, providing community safety advice and any general queries.

We hope to be returning again soon.

ASB Awareness Week

3rd - 9th July 2023 Focusing on *Know Your Rights" and in particular the ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) Case Review.

We will be out in the community promoting the use of this valuable tool. As only a shocking 6% of people are aware of the Case Review.

If you would like to know more please have a look on our ASB Case Review Page:

CCTV Van Launch

Southend City Council launched there new CCTV Van on the busy bank holiday weekend Monday 10th April.

A fantastic tool to help "Make Southend Safer"

Swift Action

Thanks to the swift action from Southend City Councils CCTV Control room, a suspect was arrested for robbery.

Hamlet Court Road in Harmony

Community Safety, Essex Police and SCC Road Safety Team were very pleased to be invited along to this event. It was lovely to see Hamlet court road full of many people attending this multi cultural festival.

We spoke to many residents and visitors, providing giveaways to keep valuables protected too.

Upcoming Events

June 2nd/3rd: Volunteering Week Events - Come and Meet members from the Volunteering Sector: Southend High Street 10:30am-2pm

7th - Pop Up Community Safety Event alongside your local Police Officers - ASDA Shoebury 11am-1pm

July 3rd - 9th- ASB awareness week, please follow our socials for up to date events

August 7th - LCM CENTRAL : 7:30PM at Civic Centre Southend

14th - LCM WEST : 7PM at Eastwood Community Centre

Please visit our social media for regular updates

August 2023

ASB Awareness Week

ASB awareness week took place from the 3rd - 9th July. The event was very productive. This included numerous patrols across the city aswell as some pop up events with our partner agencies. We spoke with many members of the public, advising them of the Anti Social Behaviour Case Review and also providing some of our community safety giveaways too. Take a look at our social media to see more of what we got up too throughout the week.

Meet our Community Safety ASB Caseworker

Mhairi has been with us for 18 months. Having previously worked at Essex Police Control Room as a Communications Officer for 6.5 years she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Mhairi’s typical day includes responding to initial reports of Anti-Social Behaviour and progressing the investigation to a satisfactory resolution. Reviewing evidence of reported ASB, keeping complainants updated on the progress of their case, liaising with other agencies such as Police, Social Care and MH services. Working alongside Community Safety Officers to request patrols in hotspot areas or in response to open investigations. Mhairi finds her biggest challenge to be the summer months. This means a significant rise in demand upon the community safety unit, and what feels like not enough hours in the day to take action. When asked what she enjoys most about her role she stated it was helping people to feel happier and safer in their homes and communities and supporting victims in seeing their case through to an effective outcome. If you wish to report any issues of anti-social behaviour this can be reported via My Southend, or by phone at 01702 215000.

ASB what does it mean to you?

ASB is a term we here used widely but often, do we actually know what it means, and also are we affected by it. Firstly, ASB stands for Anti Social Behaviour, and is defined by behaviour that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person. The Community Safety Unit deals with complaints of Anti Social Behaviour and you can find out more from our ASB Caseworker (detailed above)

Anti Social Behaviour Case Review

“Know your rights”

- Have you reported ASB 3 or more times in the last 6 months ? - Have you made a report of Hate Crime once within the last 6 months? If the answer is YES, and you are not satisfied with the outcomes, please contact the organisation directly and request an ASB Case Review Form Take a look on our "ASB Case Review Page" for more detailed information

Essex County Fire and Rescue Home Visits

Please take a look on the link below for FREE home safety visits from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. This is a fantastic service being provided to the community. Members of the Community Safety Unit joined up with the Fire Service this week, and have been carrying out joint visits with them to promote this valuable resource. We met with many happy residents and gained referrals. But if we didn't knock on your door, then please visit the link below to make your own self referral. Visit Essex County Fire and Rescue Service

Southend College

Community Safety alongside Essex Police visited Southend College as part of "Keeping Safe" We visited and spoke with many students around keeping safe and provided a range of our giveaways. This included some "Stop Tops" which are used to prevent drink spiking.

Southend Hospital

We have organised an event in partnership with Southend Hospital to keep both staff and visitors safe. We will be meeting everyone on : Wednesday 20th September 11:30am - 2pm Come along and tell us any issues of anti social behaviour you may have.

Life Saving Work

On the 28th May when a male was threatening to jump off a building, colleagues from Essex Police, Fire and the ambulance service, were greatly assisted by our CCTV Control room. CCTV operators assisted in providing regular updates and joined up working. Working together meant this mans life was saved, when he was in a time of crisis

Pop up Supermarket Events

As part of our joint work with Essex Police we held a pop up event at both Asda Shoebury and Tesco Southend. These events have proved very popular with fantastic engagement with the local community. Thank you to both supermarkets for allowing us to come along and for all of you residents for coming to speak with us. Please monitor our social media for continued events across the year in your area.

Reducing Crime

Multi Agency response to disrupting suspected illegal harvesting activities at Chalkwell Beach. In total 11 people were observed collecting shellfish. Officers were able to take a number of articles which maybe be required as evidence in legal proceedings. With the assistance of Essex Police officers and CCTV operators Southend City Council food officers were able to intercept and disrupt those collecting and the following shellfish was voluntarily surrendered to officers: • Live in-shell clams = 23kg • Live in-shell winkles = 3.4kg • Live in-shell oysters = 7.1kg • Shucked oysters = 2.2lt (equivalent to 44kg in-shell) • Total 77.5kg (estimated value of around £1,160

Mobile CCTV Unit Deployment

Our Mobile CCTV Unit is already proving to be a valuable asset. The Mobile Unit was deployed to the seafront for a car cruising event, the aim being to deter anti social behaviour and reckless driving. The event went well without any issues, reducing the fear of crime and raising awareness of the use of the Mobile CCTV Unit too.

Emergency Service Days

Come along and meet members of the emergency services. We held our first event of the summer period in July which was really successful, and will also be on Southend Seafront again on the following dates: 10th August 11am-2pm 25th August 11am-2pm Come and see outside the Jubilee Beach office (next to the fountains) In the event of bad weather and any cancellations this will be updated via our social media platforms.

LGBTQ Pride Month

Community Safety Officers alongside Southend City Bid Officers attended Pride Events within the city. Pride month is an annual celebration of the many contributions made by the LGBTQ The celebrations were enjoyed by all those attending and our officers helped keep everyone safe and well.

Upcoming Events

Please visit our "Meetings" Page for further details

October 2023
No Place For Hate

14th October marks the start of Hate Crime Awareness Week. The Community Safety Unit will be raising awareness for our colleagues and the wider community through various events across this week. Hate Crime Awareness Week runs from the 14th - 21st October 2023 Hate Crimes are any crimes perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice.

Reporting Hate Crime

If you are the victim, or witness to Hate Crime, you can visit or contact one of the HIRC`S (Hate Incident Reporting Centre) to receive support and information from a trained Hate Crime Ambassador. Hate Incident Reporting Centres are community venues offering confidential advice and support: You can also:
  • Speak to the police directly:
  • In person at a police station
  • By calling 999 for emergencies
  • By calling 101 for non-urgent enquiries.
  • Online – Report online to True Vision at
  • Report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 11
  • Call Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625 (free 24-hour helpline) or 0808 801 0576 (for under 18s)

    They can support you to report incidents to the police and provide advice and information about support agencies.

    Challenge it - Report it - Stop It

    Meet Gemma, Our Strategy and Insights Manager

    I have been working in the unit for 8 years, starting my career in Community Safety, as a Community Safety Officer. I now work as a Strategy and Insights Manager whereby data analysis is at the core of my work. I uncover insights that drive informed decisions. I find it particularly rewarding to present these findings, as they directly translate into tangible actions that bolster community safety. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role is chairing partnership meetings, such as Hate Crime. These meetings bring together a wide range of people and organisations with different viewpoints and expertise. This diversity sparks creative thinking and offers continuous learning. Every year we will mark Hate Crime Awareness Week, the weeklong campaign shines a spotlight on the impact of hate crime, raises awareness about reporting mechanisms, emphasises the importance of supporting victims and reinforces the message ‘No Place for Hate in Southend-on-Sea’. The ever-evolving landscape of community safety keeps my role consistently engaging, with no two days alike. Community Safety is not just a profession, it is a passion and commitment to help people feel safe in their communities.

    Gemma Robinson


    Are you concerned about making a report to the police and your details being taken? If the answer is YES: Street Safe is a service that allows you to report safety concerns in public places without giving your name (anonymously). Please use the link below to direct you to make an anonymous report.

    Working with our NHS

    Members from the Community Safety Unit joined our NHS and set up a "Pop Up Event" in Southend Hospital.

    We completed surveys with both the staff and visitors to the hospital around feeling safe, and how to make reports to relevant agencies. Alongside this we also provided community safety giveaways to them, which included personal attack alarms, property marking kits and much more.

    We look forward to more events in the future.

    Essex Police Praise Our CCTV Control Room

    Our CCTV Control Room has been praised by Essex Police for there fantastic work in locating a high risk missing person. Concerns had been raised when a patient went missing from Southend Hospital, due to the patients current mental health state. Essex Police moved swiftly, in making our CCTV operators aware in the first instance. This lead to those operators locating the individual within just 5 minutes. Fantastic partnership working.

    Officers collaborate with Essex Police and BID to combat ASB

    Officers from Southend Community Policing Team (CPT) and our Business Crime Team joined representatives from Southend’s Business Improvement District (BID) and the city council for a day of action to focus on anti-social behaviour. The Safer Business Action Day saw patrols along the High Street, Warrior Square, the shopping centres and surrounding streets to engage with young people and talk to prominent businesses about whether they’ve had any issues with anti-social behaviour and what to do if they have. CPT officers were joined by BID rangers, community safety officers and members of the council’s CCTV and Youth Engagement teams. They spoke to 86 young people and discovered one to be carrying cannabis. The Business Crime Team visited more than 30 of Southend’s most popular stores to speak to staff and hand out ‘Open for Business, Closed for Crime’ shop stickers and information about how to report incidents of ASB. Simon Ford, Head of Community Safety at Southend-on-Sea City Council, added: ‘We recognise the impact of negative behaviours can have on both community and local businesses. By working together, we can challenge negative behaviours and create an environment where businesses can flourish. “The Safer Business Action Day is not a temporary solution, but the start of strong partnership working, committed to building a vibrant and safe city centre for all.’

    Engaging Communities

    We recently attended both Waitrose and Tesco with our colleagues from Essex Police. We based ourselves in prime positions to be able to discuss any concerns residents may have, alongside providing community safety advice, and a few community safety giveaways too. Thanks to Waitrose and Tesco for having us, we will be here regularly, to engage with all those visiting the store. So do come along and see us. Follow our social media for all our dates we will be visiting throughout the year.

    Emergency Service Days

    The Summer Holidays arrived and so did our Emergency Service Days, joined by the glorious British weather. We held three separate activity days over this period which were really well attended by both agencies, and visitors to Southend. These days give residents the chance to really engage with services, from road safety talks, getting bikes tagged, and sitting in a police car. There really is something for everyone. Thank you to all those residents who came along and joined us.

    Stolen Vehicle Recovered

    When a call was made to the Essex Police Control room, they endeavour to deal with it as swiftly as possible. But with help from our CCTV operators they successfully assisting with the recovery of a stolen vehicle in just 13 minutes. That's just 13 minutes from the call being made, to the car being recovered. Fantastic partnership working


    Prevent is a part of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. Prevent intervenes as early as possible to provide support to people at risk of radicalisation before a crime is committed. Radicalisation means someone developing extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities. Prevent helps guide people aware from the dangers of radicalisation. Getting support through Prevent won’t go on someone’s criminal record – it is about connecting them to the support. Prevent works in partnership with services including teachers and healthcare practitioners to protect individuals in their care.

    Please see the section on prevent for further details


    Sign up to our newsletter, visit the link on this website to subscribe

    Diary Dates

    Local Community Meetings


    9th - CENTRAL : 7:30PM at Civic Centre Southend 16th - WEST : 7pm at King Road, United Reform Church 23rd - EAST : 7pm Venue to be confirmed (see social media)

    Supermarket Pop Up Events


    17th - Tesco Southend 11am-1pm 19th - Asda Shoeburyness 3pm- 5pm Remember to keep checking our socials and website for up to date information.

  • December 2023

    Get to know a CSO

    Hello, my name is Kieran.I am one of the Community Safety Officers, who has been employed as part of the Community Safety Unit since February 2022. My main role is to deal with Anti-social behaviour and to provide a high visibility presence within the city. Prior to this role, I worked as a door supervisor in different licensed premises, local hospitals and other commercial sites whilst being a carer within residential care homes. The most rewarding things I enjoy every day are meeting new people providing first aid to members of the public, assisting our partner agencies,(Essex Police, Coastguard, Essex Fire and Rescue and East of England ambulance service) and many other departments within the council. The most frustrating part of my role is due to the workload and the patrolling, I sometimes find there is never enough hours in a day. Alongside my role within the Community Safety Unit, during my spare time, I volunteer as a Community First Responder for East of England Ambulance Service. My role is to attend Category 1 and Category 2 incidents within my local community with the aim to give the patient, the best possible treatment before the ambulance crew arrives. Category 1 is potentially a life threatening illness or injury, this is when a community first responder will attend and provide initial care to the patient. Category 2 refers to other emergencies. This is when community first responders are "on call" and there local attendance could potentially assist. The most rewarding part about being a community first responder, is making a difference to people lives and giving back to the community. You can find out more about Community First Responders on there website.

    Working with our Uni

    We attended the University of Essex alongside members of the community policing team and spoke to their new students. We provided community safety advice, and giveaways, alongside information regarding The Change Project, which is part of Essex Police Reflect Campaign. The aim of the campaign is to target the perpetrator of such behaviours. Find out more by visiting there website.

    Safe Spaces

    Members of the Community Safety Team Joined Essex Police as part of Operation Safe Space. The operation created a new Safe Space for anyone feeling vulnerable or in danger in Southend and was opened on the High Street on Friday and Saturday nights throughout August, returning for Freshers week. Funding was then secured to roll out Operation Stay Safe throughout other key weekends in the night time economy in the run up to Christmas. The mobile police station was positioned adjacent to HSBC and the Odeon cinema and available from 8pm to 4am. It was staffed by six police officers, with regular assistance from street pastors, drug and alcohol support workers, and the council’s community safety officers. Feedback received from the public and businesses has been positive.

    Trading Standards Operation

    Community Safety joined Trading standards and Essex police cadets for a joint operation recently. The purpose to visit shops and test purchase if they are selling over 18 products to under age persons. This resulted in further training on challenging for ID to those shop owners who were breaking the law, and enforcement where necessary too. A very productive multi agency operation.

    High Visibility Patrolling

    Community Safety Officers have been carrying out high visibility patrols as part of Operation Dial, alongside Essex Police. Such patrols are within targeted Essex Police hotspots. These has successfully reduced anti social behaviour and crime. Providing public reassurance and community engagement.

    Day Of Action On Our High Street

    Southend City Bid Members of the Community Safety Team and Essex Police have conducted patrols across the city in relation to street drinking, begging and general anti social behaviour as part of Operation Episode. This has led to the issuing of Community Protection Warnings and Fixed Penalty Notices to persistent offenders.

    Hate Crime Awareness Week Success

    Hate Crime is a priority for the community safety unit. But hate crime awareness week gave us the opportunity to focus our plans across the week. We held a number of events ourselves and also promoted those events of our partner agencies too. The aim was to raise awareness of Hate Crime, and reinforcing the message "No Place For Hate In Southend" We also provided over 100 posters to various businesses across the city. These posters provided all key information needed around the reporting of Hate Crime.

    Reporting Hate Crime

    If you are the victim, or witness to Hate Crime, you can visit or contact one of the HIRC`S (Hate Incident Reporting Centre) to receive support and information from a trained Hate Crime Ambassador. Hate Incident Reporting Centres are community venues offering confidential advice and support: You can also:

  • Speak to the police directly:
  • In person at a police station
  • By calling 999 for emergencies
  • By calling 101 for non-urgent enquiries.
  • Online – Report online to True Vision at
  • Report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 11
  • Call Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625 (free 24-hour helpline) or 0808 801 0576 (for under 18s) They can support you to report incidents to the police and provide advice and information about support agencies.

    Challenge it - Report it - Stop It

    Engaging with our residents

    South Essex Homes, Essex Police and Community Safety came together for some joint working at The Jordan's, Maple Square in November. We visited and offered some Community Safety- and home security Advice, alongside some community safety giveaways too. Having recently carried out patrols and also site visits with Essex Police designing out crime officer. Residents had concerns due to some recent burglaries so aswell as this visit there have also been many patrols and site visits to the area too.

    Operation Sceptre

    Community Safety officers have been working alongside Essex Police Officer, conducting high visibility patrols across the city. As part of these patrols checking bushes, and undergrowth for bladed articles and weapons.

    Essex Police Newsletter

    If you would like further updates from Essex Police then sign up to there newsletter by clicking on the link below:

    Diary Dates

    See our "Meetings" tab
  • February 2024

    Meet Our Community Safety Manager

    Hello, my name is Daniel, I am currently the Community Safety Manager for Southend City Council’s Community Safety Unit. I progressed to this position after 4 years as the Senior Community Safety Officer.

    I oversee the delivery of the Community Safety Unit service objectives in respect of crime & disorder, anti-social behaviour and safety of the City. I am responsible for the development and management of a team of Community Safety Officers who patrol the City of Southend deterring and addressing anti-social behaviour. I promote and build community cohesion through Local Community Meetings (LCMs), engagement events and Community Action Days, as part of the overall Community Safety Partnership and Southend City Council priorities and objectives. The most challenging part of the role is juggling competing demands and the ever-present constraints around resources and funding. The Community Safety Unit does some fantastic work but the demand always outstrips our resource. The most rewarding part of the role is being able to influence and shape safety in Southend.

    Alongside my position with the Council, I am a White Ribbon Ambassador. White Ribbon Ambassadors are men and people who identify as a man who take on this responsibility. They take the White Ribbon message into their workplaces, communities and among their friends, family and colleagues. Being a White Ribbon Ambassador or Champion is an effective and meaningful way to further your commitment to ending men’s violence against women and girls.

    Find out more here :

    Reclaim The Night

    The Community Safety Unit attending The Iron Works Southend alongside Essex Police as part of there reclaim the night campaign. This event marked the end of the 16 days of action to end violence against women and girls which started on the 25th November. The event itself had various stall holders within the Iron Works to provide community engagement, and then saw those persons from the event march the high street. The event was a great success.

    Safeguarding Our Community

    The Community Safety Unit received some positive feedback in relation to recent safeguarding work. Our Community Safety Officers alongside Essex Police recognised a male in need of some assistance. After visiting his home they discovered he did not have basic necessities of running water and electricity. They worked together alongside the housing providers to resolve this issue swiftly using a multi agency approach. Such a great example of how important multi agency working is within our community.

    Join Your Local Community Meetings

    We are committed to attending the local community meetings run by Essex Police within your areas. Come along and speak with your local councillors and agencies to raise any concerns about the area you live in. Visit the LCM Dates tab to see events within your area.

    CCTV assists arrest in just 8 minutes

    Our CCTV Operators spotted some suspicious activity, which then followed two mopeds being stolen. Due to the swift action from the CCTV operator, they quickly liaised officers on the ground and were able to direct the officers straight the the suspects. The suspects were then arrested by Police within just 8 minutes of the offences taking place. Fantastic team work leading to a great result.

    Keeping our High Street a Safe Space

    Essex Police’s “Southend safe space” was launched in July and will run on Friday and Saturday nights from 8pm until 4am throughout winter to support anyone in need. The safe space was set up after women and girls reported feeling unsafe walking along the High Street, with “nowhere to go” for help. It is staffed by members of Southend Community Policing Team, Southend City Council’s community safety officers, representatives of drug and alcohol charity Open Road, and street pastors.

    Resident Thanks CSO

    A special thank you was given to one of our community safety officers providing help to a lady in need. After falling on Southend High Street, one of our Community Safety Officers quickly stepped in to provide first aid to a lady in need. After administering first aid the community safety officer then carried the lady's shopping and walked her home. Going over and beyond. The resident since returned to thank the community safety officer in person.

    Robbery Caught On Camera by our CCTV operators

    Our CCTV Control room worked alongside, Essex police and Community Safety in witnessing the robbery of 3 individuals. After witnessing this incident, and some extensive work, going over various footage, they were able to locate and arrest the suspects. Items were able to be returned to the victims and support provided to them.

    Supermarket Pop Ups

    We enjoyed meeting with local residents at our supermarkets. We have visited Waitrose and Tesco last month. We visit regularly, alongside other supermarkets, in order to speak with our local community. Come along and see us with any community safety issues.

    Engagement Opportunities

    The Community Safety Partnership both organise and attend many events across the year. These events are often with our partner agencies, and aim to promote community safety alongside speaking to residents regarding any concerns they may have. All events are all advertised on our website and social media account.

    April 2024

    Meet Joseph Knight

    Hello my name is Joseph I am currently a Community Safety Officer for Southend City Councils Community Safety Unit. I have held this position for 2 years. My role comes with both rewarding and challenging times. Within the Community Safety Unit we cover a lot of aspects of keeping Southend a safe environment for the local community and visitors to the City. The Community Safety Unit is a unique service. We are responsible for addressing anti-social behaviour and problems across the City, keeping everyone safe in the process and working very closely with our partners Essex Police to make sure Southend is a safe environment for everyone.

    My most rewarding moment as a Community Safety Officer has been when I managed to save someone’s life with my quick thinking and confidence in first aid. I attended a serious incident last April with a male with a serious bleed, through my decisive response and first aid training I managed to stop the bleed before paramedics arrived on scene to keep the patient alive. The most challenging aspect of our role has to be managing people’s views on what our role is about and handling our emotions when we are having a bad day, Good training and keeping our minds clear help us manage these issues and work closely together as a unit looking out for one another with the support we get is fantastic. Alongside my position as a Community Safety Officer, I am a Hate Crime Ambassador, these responsibilities allow me to work closely with potential victims of hate crime, advising them on how to report hate crime and spreading awareness about the problems they may be facing.

    Come And Meet The Emergency Services

    Members of the Emergency Services look forward to meeting our residents over the Easter Holiday Period. The Community Safety Unit will be joined by members of our Emergency Services for a day on Southend Seafront. This is an event for all the family to come along and find out all about our Emergency Services. From getting the chance to experience sitting in a police car, meeting members of the RNLI and sharing any community safety issues you may have. You will also get the chance to receive some giveaways from both Community Safety and other members of the Emergency Services too. We will be based outside the Jubilee Office (Next to the fountains) Southend Seafront Wednesday 10th April 11am - 2pm

    Purple Flag Success

    Southend-on-Sea has once again retained the internationally recognised Purple Flag accreditation for the eleventh consecutive year. Much like the renowned Blue Flag for beaches, the Purple Flag symbolises excellence in night-time entertainment, dining, and cultural offerings while prioritising the safety and wellbeing of the community during evening hours. This reaffirms Southend's status as a vibrant hub for night-time activities and a safe city for residents and visitors.

    The successful accreditation submission, led by the Southend-on-Sea City Council, was a collaborative effort involving multiple partners. It showcased standout events from the past year, with special recognition given to the popular and successful Halloween Parade. Furthermore, the submission received praise for its commitment to safety and security. Notably, Southend's CCTV infrastructure played a pivotal role in aiding law enforcement, with CCTV footage serving as crucial evidence in the successful prosecution of various crimes, including hit-and-run incidents. To find out more about Purple Flag click on the following link:

    Purple Flag Details Here

    Stolen Bike Returned to owner

    After hearing a description over the radio channel of a male who had stolen a bike, Community Safety Officers alongside CCTV Operators based within the mobile unit set out to assist with both the suspect and the location of a stolen bike. They managed to not only catch up with the suspect, who left the scene leaving the bike behind, our officers were also then able to return the bike to the owner. Fantastic, swift partnership working. If you are concerned for the safety of your bike please take a look at the below website for Forward Motion

    Car Meet Disruption

    Our CCTV Mobile Unit disrupted a car meet happening in Stock Road. After being made aware of cars gathering in Stock Road our mobile unit visited the area to find 11 cars already in the vicinity. After providing a visible presence in the area the cars quickly dispersed, preventing any issues occurring in the area.

    Community Payback Partnership

    Community Safety joined together with Essex Police, Probation Services, The BID and Southend City Council for a Community Payback Event last week. This event featured around Warrior Square Gardens, with the area being generally improved, and some repainting of some damaged planters. This was also well attended by residents, providing community safety advice and giveaways to them, alongside providing reassurance. For details of all our events please visit Events Tab

    Robbers Caught

    CCTV Operators acted swiftly to a street robbery that took place in Clifftown Road last month. A group of youths, with their faces covered were seen walking in the High Street and caught the operators eye. CCTV Operator felt they were acting suspiciously. They were then monitored within Clifftown Road running off, and operators then caught the group robbing a youth of his jacket and bag. Operators notified police control straight away, and continued to monitor them until police apprehended two males, who were arrested immediately. Followed by a third male shortly after. Fantastic partnership working.

    Diary Dates

    All dates can be found on our events tab
    June 2024

    My name is Chris Cooke

    I have recently returned to the Community Safety Unit (CSU) as its Senior Community Safety Officer. I worked previously at the unit as an Officer, then Operations Coordinator. I was afforded an opportunity in 2022 to second to Culture & Tourism, where I undertook the role of City Centre & Markets Manager. There, I was able to expand my professional network and learn new skills. That included management of the Southend General Market, coordination of services to improve the city centre and organising some of Southend’s busiest and most prestigious events. These ranged from, Armed Forces Day and Remembrance Sunday to the Halloween Parade, LuminoCity and City Jam.

    A strength that I bring to the CSU is that I have the experience and good relationships to call upon colleagues or partners to solve problems. This is useful especially now that I am supervising a team that fields a wide range of issues. This leads on to what I find to be the biggest challenge that the unit faces, and that I face personally; the team is a highly visible and approachable foot patrol at its core, and receives reports relating not only to crime and anti-social behaviour, but road safety, social care, environmental health, fly-tipping, parking, trading standards and more. Sometimes, the unit will receive a report of more than one type, or from several sources, and it is our job to pick out the relevant details and work out the most effective way we can help.

    The most rewarding part of my role is just that; taking a predicament, cutting through any confusion and finding the most practical route to a solution. Similarly, I enjoy finding ways by which our processes can be streamlined and our resource management made more efficient.

    My intention is to use my organisational experience to shape the Community Safety Unit’s operations, and that includes building into it the flexibility to adapt to changing demands, and see that Southend continues to be provided a quality service.

    Transport Safety Officers

    Since January, the introduction of Transport Safety Officers (TSOs) has enhanced safety on our city's train services. This pilot scheme, funded with £490,000 from the Department for Transport (DfT), is a collaboration between Southend-on-Sea City Council, Thurrock Council, and Essex County Council. TSOs work closely with train operators, police, and local partners to address antisocial behaviour and violence against women and girls to promote passenger safety. Their primary focus on engagement and education has been well-received, contributing to a safer and more pleasant travel environment. Recruited TSOs have undergone extensive training and vetting, equipping them to manage low-level nuisance and disorder incidents effectively. Their presence on designated routes and locations compliments the efforts of other safety personnel, creating a cohesive safety network. This initiative aligns with broader government commitments to address anti-social behaviour. To report a crime or concern on the rail network, download the free Railway Guardian app or text British Transport Police on 61016.

    Emergency Services Day

    Members of our Emergency Services enjoyed meeting many of our residents at our First Emergency Services Day of the year. We will be hosting two further dates over the summer holiday period so come along and meet members of the emergency services. Wednesday 31st July and Wednesday 14th August 11am-2pm

    Seizure of E Scooters

    Members of the Community Safety Team joined Essex Police for a joint operation targeting E Scooters and E Bikes due to a rise in complaints. Operation Sierra targeted Southend High Street and resulted in the seizure of 6 E Scooters and 1 E Bike. Advice was provided and a zero tolerance shown.

    Community Payback

    Community Safety joined together with partner agencies for a Community Payback Event in Warrior Square In April. Community Payback is work implemented to individuals by the courts. The area was generally improved, and well attended by residents. We provided community safety advice, reassurance and giveaways to them. Residents provided positive feedback and noticed a real difference from the hard work carried out on the day. This is something we hope to continue to support across the city.

    Knife Angel Comes To Southend

    Southend-on-Sea has been selected by the British Ironworks to host The Knife Angel during July to symbolise the devastating impact of violent crime. The Knife Angel, The National Monument Against Violence and Aggression is a thought provoking 27-foot-high sculpture crafted from over 100,000 confiscated or surrendered weapons. The weapons include knives, inscribed with messages from impacted families or former offenders, confiscated by Police Forces across the country. It has been created as an iconic symbol against violence and aggression, particularly knife crime in the UK, to educate young people on the harmful and long-lasting effects that violent behaviour can have on communities, families, and victims. The Knife Angel has been touring the country as a poignant symbol of hope and social change. From Monday 1 July to Sunday 28 July, it will be located at the Victoria Circus end of the High Street, offering both residents and visitors a unique opportunity to witness the sculpture up close and the powerful message it sends. A free programme of learning opportunities is planned throughout July, aimed at preventing youth involvement in violence. The sessions will encourage parents, carers and residents of all ages to also learn more about the impacts of violence, the signs of exploitation and county lines, explore proactive solutions, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

    Providing Support

    Our Anti Social Behaviour Team at Southend City Council deal with a variety of cases and issues across the city. Such issues can often lead to further investigations, and the discovery of extra support needed. Recent complaints from a few residents regarding a neighbour led to our ASB Officer making further enquiries due to concerns. Numerous letters were sent and a representative for the resident was then established. It was then discovered there were issues around the residents vulnerability. Therefore, relevant partners have now been involved from social care. This has lead to vital support being put into place for the resident, and the issues have now ceased. This has led to a happy environment for the surrounding neighbours and the resident too.

    Court Success for ongoing ASB

    An ongoing Anti Social Behaviour Case being dealt with by various partner agencies has seen a positive result in Court. A couple who were causing multiple ASB issues, and criminal offences have appeared in court and received the below: Suspended 20 week prison sentence for 12 months 70 days rehabilitation 225 hours unpaid work £150 compensation 2 year restraining order

    Cracking Down on Car Cruise ASB

    The Community Safety Partnership have been cracking down on irresponsible drivers. This has led to over 90 car cruise Fixed Penalty Notices being issued from February to date. Such enforcement is aimed to tackle those causing anti social behaviour and not for those responsible car meets taking place.

    Man who harassed vulnerable teen jailed

    A persistent beggar who regularly caused distress to members of the public in Southend has been jailed for 10 months after breaching a court order sought by Essex Police. Richard Lewis, 37, of no fixed address, was made the subject of a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) by Southend Magistrates’ Court on 5 April. This order followed reports Lewis had been aggressively begging and escorting people to cash points to ensure they withdrew money for him. Despite the order being in place, on Sunday 7 April, he approached a vulnerable teenage boy, who has autism, in Southend. He asked the boy for money and when refused, resorted to intimidation. Community Safety Officers assisted Essex Police in obtaining statements. Lewis then appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court on Friday 19 April, he admitted seven breaches of a CBO, three public order offences and possession of an offensive weapon. He was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment and ordered to pay £100 in compensation to the teenage boy.

    Spotting the signs of Child Exploitation

    Members of the Essex Safeguarding Board, Community Safety Partnership including Community Safety Officers, Essex Police and Transport Safety Officers were patrolling Southend`s train stations, as part of Operation Henderson. The purpose being to engage with the public around the signs of child criminal exploitation, and how to report their concerns. For further details please visit there website.

    Informative and Articulate

    Was the feedback received from the Salvation Army after our Community Safety officers paid them a visit. Our Community Safety officers visited the Salvation army last week and spoke with around 40 attendees at Friday Friendship Group. They provided advice and some of our community safety giveaways too. It was lovely for the Community Safety Unit to receive a thank you email regarding our officers and the positive impact they made to those members of our community.

    Diary Dates


    13th - The Ironworks Networking Event 16:30-18:30pm 15th- Southchurch Day 18th - Tesco Pop Up 11am-12:30pm


    1st July - 28th July Knife Angel Southend High Street- A Variety of partners across the month between 9am-5pm 1st -Local Community Meeting EAST : 7pm The Hub at Shoebury 2nd- Local Community Meeting WEST : 7pm Woodlands Centre 1st-7th July

    ASB Awareness Week

    31st - Emergency Services Seafront Day Of Action - 11:00-14:00
    July 2024

    Southend Unveiled 27ft Sculpture

    On Monday 1st July Southend witnessed the unveiling of the Knife Angel, led by the Mayor Of Southend. As part of this ceremony there were a number of important speeches, musical performances and other creative pieces. There were also some significant awards, a few of which have been detailed below, and include our late Community Safety Manager Jon Gurel.

    The Knife Angel was designed by Alfie Bradley and the British Ironworks, the focus being to highlight the significant effects of violent behaviour. It also acts as a beautiful memorial designed to celebrate those lives that have been lost through these violent and thoughtless actions. Whilst the knife angel is situated in Southend, visitors are invited to tie either white ribbons or wooden hearts with messages of love and hope. The Knife Angel will remain in Southend until Sunday the 28th of July. A vigil will be held to mark the departure of the knife angel.

    For further information please visit take a look further on the Knife Angel tab.

    The High Sheriff for Essex – Personal Award

    Posthumous award for Jon Gurel, Southend Community Safety Manager Jon’s wife, Faith and Jon’s children Millie and Jake, accepted this award on his behalf. Jon passed away last year after a long illness. He worked for the council for 25 years, most recently as the council’s community safety manager, and prior to that in the environmental care and waste team, council tax, revenues and benefits and internal audit. Jon was well known to many and was hugely liked and respected as well as being an outstanding and professional servant to the local community. He is greatly missed by all who knew him. The journey of getting The Knife Angel to Southend has been extensive. Many key agencies and partners have been involved in that journey, but it wouldn’t be here today, had it not been for Jon. He did so very much at the very beginning of 2023, to galvanise interest from across the whole City, and encouraged stakeholders to get behind the project to maximise the benefits and continue efforts to raise awareness of knife crime and the impact it has on everyone.

    Youth Anti Violence Educational Award

    The Community Safety Partnership are extremely proud of our Community Safety Officer Joseph. Joseph saved someone’s life with his quick thinking and confidence in first aid when he attended a serious incident in 2023. He attended to a male with a serious bleed caused by a weapon. Through his decisive response and first aid training he managed to stop the bleed before paramedics arrived on scene, to keep the patient alive. Alongside his position as a Community Safety Officer, he is also a Hate Crime Ambassador, working with potential victims of hate crime, advising them on how to report hate crime and spreading awareness about the impact hate crime has on individuals and communities.

    Anti Social Behaviour Complaints Reducing

    Residents told the Community Safety Partnership that issues have improved on the Queensway Estate managed by South Essex Homes at our recent resident engagement event. Partnership work has taken place to reduce such issues and provide reassurance to the residents of South Essex Homes. Another great example of partnership working which will continue within the area to reduce.

    A Fitting Tribute

    For the D Day 80 Beacon Lighting ceremony and gave the citizens of Southend - On - Sea the opportunity to come together and pay their respects. The Beacon was lit by The Mayor Cllr Ron Woodley and the High Sheriff, with the assistance of 217 Field Squadron.

    Driver twice the drink driving limit

    Leads to arrest after being spotted driving recklessly by members of the Community Safety Partnership. Whilst patrolling the area of Chawkwell Esplanade our CCTV Operative and Community Safety Officer notice a female driving her car recklessly. This is subsequently reported to our Essex Police colleagues whilst they continue to monitor the situation. The female is then spotted returning to her vehicle. When stopped by the police she blew double the drink driving limit. This led to her arrest for reckless driving without care and attention, no seatbelt, no insurance and no MOT. A great example of our swift partnership working.

    Community Safety Accreditation Scheme

    Our Community Safety Officers are continually enhancing there skills, recently this included The Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) The Traffic Management module focuses on some of the powers that relate to Traffic Management, what these powers are and how to use them when performing Traffic Management roles. This included remaining safe, knowing hand signals and principles of regulating traffic both vehicle and pedestrian.

    Diary Dates


    1st -28th- Knife Angel events across the month (Top of Southend High Street)

    31st - Emergency Services Day


    14th - Emergency Services Day

    19th : CENTRAL LCM : 7:30pm Venue TBC

    *Local Community Meeting*