Community Engagement Events
Various locations throughout the day as below :
4th - Supermarket Pop up - 11am -1pm: Tesco Southend (Alongside Essex Police)
6th - ASB Awareness Week Event - The Elms Pub Car Park 11am -1pm (Multi Agency Event)
13th- Community Safety Event - Shoebury East Beach 12:00pm- 2pm (Outside Foreshore Office)
18th/19th - Attending Safe Well and secure events alongside Essex Fire and Rescue
26th - Emergency Services Activity Day: Southend Seafront 11am-2pm (Outside Beach Office)
10th - Emergency Services Activity Day: Southend Seafront 11am-2pm (Outside Beach Office)
25th - Emergency Services Activity Day: Southend Seafront 11am-2pm (Outside Beach Office)
19th - Partnership Pop Up Event with Essex Police - Waitrose Southend 10am-Midday
19th - Partnership Pop Up Event with Essex Police - Tesco Southend 11am-1pm
21st - Freshers Fair Southend College 11am-1pm
27th-Southend Hospital Foyer 11:30- 14:00
4th - University Of Essex Freshers Fayre 12:30-14:00
17th - Tesco, Prince Avenue Pop Up Event 11:00-13:00
19th- Asda Shoeburyness Pop Up Event - 15:00-17:00
24th - Kent Elms Library Pop Up - 12:30-14:00
1st - The Jordans Coffee Morning (Time TBC)
21st - Tesco Prince Avenue Pop Up - 11:00-13:00
30th - Waitrose Fossetts Way Pop Up - 10:00-12:00
18th - Waitrose Fossetts Way Pop Up - 10:00-12:00
19th- Tesco Prince Avenue Pop Up 11:00-13:00
January 2024
16th - Tesco Prince Avenue 11:00-12:30
23rd- Cafe Cluny Square 12:00-13:00
23rd- St Lukes Community Hub 13:00-14:00
24th - Asda Shoebury 11:00-12:30
31st - Cafe Cluny Square 10:00- 11:00
1st - Seven Hotel - 12:00-13:00
8th - Havens Hamlet Court Road - 11:00-12:00
20th - Tesco Southend - 11:00-12:30
27th - Waitrose- 10:00-12:00
5th - Asda Shoebury 11:00-12:30
19th - Tesco Southend - 11:00-12:30
10th - Seafront Day Of Action - 11:00-14:00
16th - Tesco Southend - 11:00-12:30
7th - Asda Pop Up - 11:00-12:30
21st - Tesco Pop Up - 11:00-12:30
5th - Summer Safety Event Southend College
13th - Queensway Community Day 11am-3pm
13th - The Ironworks Networking Event 16:30-18:30pm
15th- Southchurch Day
17th - EID Event - Garons Park 9am -1pm
1st-7th July ASB Awareness Week
31st - Seafront Day Of Action - 11:00-14:00
14th - Seafront Day Of Action- 11:00- 14:00
5th - Transport Safety Officers Event at Southend Victoria Station 10am-12pm
7th - Southend Police Station Open Day 11:00 - 15:00
18th - Tesco Pop Up Event 11am - 12:30pm
16th - 11am-12:30pm -Tesco Prince Avenue Supermarket Pop Up
17th - 9am- 3pm - Southend High Street (Outside River Island Area)
25th - Southend Victoria Train Station - 3pm-5pm
27th - Tesco Supermarket Pop Up - 11am-12:30pm
29th - The Forum Southend 12:30pm-2pm
1st - Mental Elf Run - Belfairs Woodland Centre
2nd - Asda Shoebury 11am-12:30pm
15th - Local Community Meeting- Belfairs Woodland Centre at 7pm17th - Local Community Meeting- Ferndale Baptist Church at 7pm
21st - Tesco Pop Up - 11-12:30pm
10th - Educational Event around EScooters/Bikes- Southend High Street (Odeon) 10am-3pm
11th - Pop Up Event Victoria Plaza (Outside Brooke Health) 10:30am-12
18th - Tesco Pop up 11-12:30pm
24th - Local Community Meeting Civic Centre 7:30pm
27th - Asda Shoeburyness 11am -12:30pm
25th - Tesco Pop up 11am-12:30pm
15th- Tesco Pop Up 11am-12:30pm
24th- Asda Pop Up 11am - 12:30pm
27th - Tesco Pop up 11am-12:30pm